
Presented as part of ARTSaha 2005

August 22, 2005, 7 PM

Artists’ Cooperative Gallery

Omaha, NE

Stravinsky’s Octet was paired with the world premiere of Jason Taylor’s Windchimes, written for Stravinsky’s forces.



Igor Stravinsky, Fanfare for a New Theater

Lukas Foss, Music for Six

Jason Taylor, Windchimes*

Karlheinz Stockhausen, Pisces

Igor Stravinsky, Octet for Winds

* world premiere



Johnny Chang, violin

Joe Drew, trumpet

Matt Erickson, trombone

Marcia Kamper, trumpet

Rudolf Kamper, trumpet

John Klinghammer, clarinet

Albie Micklich, bassoon

Ken Potsic, bassoon

Aviva Segall, conductor

Jay Wise, trombone