Zodiac Dust

August 20, 2009

Zodiac Dust is the sophomore album by Brooklyn-based percussion duo Loop 2.4.3. ANALOG arts released it in partnership with indie label Music Starts From Silence. The album showcases Loop 2.4.3’s original compositions in a suite of songs that take the listener on an aural journey. It also features instruments that were built for the duo.


Doug Simpson from Audiophile Audition writes about the custom built eLog:


After a short commencement prelude, “Prologue: Rebirth,” the album opens up with “Dark Matter,” a cosmic saga that mixes heavy and light percussion with open-minded effects and electronics. It is here the hand-made eLog is introduced, which Michael Wygmans custom built for Loop 2.4.3., which is essentially a log drum that offers a broader sonic canvas. To get crucial auditory agitation, the eLog is run through a Fender amp and a vocal effects unit, thus fashioning a synthesized, distorted characteristic. “Dark Matter” persuasively demonstrates that rhythm instruments can direct melodic lines, execute choruses, and engage listeners’ imagination.


Zodiac Dust is on sale now at all major digital retailers.

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